Do you realize how terrible it is to live in a SWING STATE!??!?!#!!$%^&&^*
Can I blow my head off now!!!! When I drive to work in the morning, and all I hear is:
"I'm Barak Obama and I approve this message.."
"I'm running with Barak Obama.."
"We'd like your vote Missouri..."
"Missouri don't elect the same..."
One might ask, "Brett just listen to a cd or your mp3 player?" Well I don't buy cd's anymore, and my mp3 player broke, because I was trying to do some stupid diving play at Tennis Cardio, and my fat ass landed on it, and its never worked since! Plus St Louis has 14 preset stations I listen to ranging from Hip-Hop to Rock, and you'd think 1, just 1! would play music instead of talking and commercials in the morning and evening!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!!? Nope, it just doesn't happen!
When I read the newspaper everyday (online of course its free, and besides who pays for the newspaper anyway, its usually yesterdays news today) the 1st picture to load is this:
Can I blow my head off now!!!! When I drive to work in the morning, and all I hear is:
"I'm Barak Obama and I approve this message.."
"I'm running with Barak Obama.."
"We'd like your vote Missouri..."
"Missouri don't elect the same..."
One might ask, "Brett just listen to a cd or your mp3 player?" Well I don't buy cd's anymore, and my mp3 player broke, because I was trying to do some stupid diving play at Tennis Cardio, and my fat ass landed on it, and its never worked since! Plus St Louis has 14 preset stations I listen to ranging from Hip-Hop to Rock, and you'd think 1, just 1! would play music instead of talking and commercials in the morning and evening!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!!? Nope, it just doesn't happen!
When I read the newspaper everyday (online of course its free, and besides who pays for the newspaper anyway, its usually yesterdays news today) the 1st picture to load is this:

Not that it bothers me or anything, but honestly Barak, your supporters are all about giving you money to blast your name across every avenue their is, and yet you talk about how you want to redistribute the wealth!? All you've shown me is that you're spending A TON of money Frivolously!!! I mean did you really need to spend $5 million on those ads to show up for online gamers on XBOX360!??!?!?
Not only do I drive home from work, and every radio commercial is a damn political campaign for someone. But when I arrive home, and just want to watch a little tv I get bombarded with MISSOURI the SWING STATE! Like I didn't know that before, but now I get to see Barak's Tax Cuts web site, that he spent $30 million on, oh but so far over 1.5 million people have went there!! I went there as to find out who was in charge of completely blacking out every channel with that garbage turns out......
It was Barak again! My man, how much money are you going to spend!! PLEASE GIVE IT A REST!!! I can't even watch tv to relax and get away from this damn election!!! (Since my TV package includes 80 channels plus 4 HBO channels, and its free to all in our complex, I'm going to stop bitching, but just let it be known that this election is a pain to go through..)
So now me and my Wii are like best of friends.. Right now, I have an intense Franchise going on Madden '08 I'm the Colts, and Manning, Wayne, Harrison, Addai + Play Action = 600 yd games, I'm debating on going to some Wii tourney's here in STL, as I don't think I can be stopped, and for a $5 buy-in, to wreak havoc on a 10 year old?? I think that just might solve my anger issues with this election and the DAMN SWING STATE! (Reason I know of this is because the Gamestop located about 200 yds from my place delivers flyers every friday night of what games they have going for the tourney on Sundays, a way for you to do some "sessions" before the big dance..) ha ha, I learned this all one day talking to the neighbor kid, who told me to pick out a cool "name" before I go there, as it might help my gamer street cred! Then he said, "ya but you're pretty big, so you might have the whole old guy lives with mom in her basement gamin it up and shiz" I laughed it off, and told him "I was in your ma's basement last night!" (totally off the subject, but this little d-bag is about 10 or so, and he's messed with me way too many times out at the pool, but his mom is really is hot, so I put up with it.. I haven't asked her age yet, but I'm assuming she's 28-30)
On a more positive way of getting my anger and frustration out:
Let it be known that you'll be seeing pictures of this little boy laying in the back of my brothers pickup:

Of course I'll have to shoot it..
Hopefully Bambi's daddy and I will have our rendezvous again:

Are you hunting in ND? I hunt deer but like the bird more.
I am even sick of these presidential ads. The worst are for the local govt elections. Its worse because each candidates only has like 2 ads so they get pretty old fast. Oh yeah, I'll take my boys the Bills and show you how to dominate!
Goon, I'll be hunting in ND, I'll be posting more info this week.
And bro, I hear ya, the locals are bad, but the Prez one's must be throwing $100 bills every half a second here!
I'll take presidential advertising over that commercial with LC and Brody Jenner in it every day of the week. That commercial hurts my soul every time I see it.
Living in ND, I have not seen a lot POLTICAL ads, but I have seen a few for Minnesota. The Franken and Coleman ads have been pretty rough.
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