This is what buying an election looks like:
OBAMA'S OCT 1-15 SPENDING = $105,599,963.76
That's more than $293,000 an hour
It's also 49% of EVERYTHING McCain has spent the entire time he has been running for president ($216,769,840)
By contrast, McCain's Oct. 1-15 spending was $9,246,618.70 (or $26,000/hr).
As Allah at Hot Air notes, spending $293,000 an hour means you have to be taking in three $25 contributions every second.
Which seems, well, pretty ludicrous to me. And when we add in to the mix the fact that Obama’s online contributions forms have had some serious security problems letting in all sorts of fraudulent contributions, and that about 50% of Obama’s total fund raising is under the threshold for required disclosure you run into a situation which would seem to require someone, somewhere to be asking some pretty serious questions.
You’d expect that someone to be a member of the media, but they’re all too busy covering Palin’s wardrobe.
Well call me sour grapes or not, but I ask all Obama supporters. Please tell me how much did he spend? Where did he get his money from?? Many add up the projected value of all the ads he placed, and cities he visited, all come up with around $5.3 BILLION Dollars was spent to win this election compared to McCains $0.216 Billion!! (Ouch you'd think if you spent that much you'd at least win by more then 6% of the popular vote..)
Also I saw Obama's downtown Chicago party.. I wonder who's paying for that? Oh wait... We are.. Welcome to Change.

Some more bad news. Turns out this Decker guy out in Wisconsin harvested the world record buck with his bow this past week... I'm not too entirely disappointed as I don't try to compare my bucks to others in different states, that "juice" their deer.. I go for all-natural North Dakota style.. Here's the pics:

I shot the older buck, and that thing led us around on one of the wildest deer chases of my life for a good 3 hours that day. Then hit the stream and swam away from us, but thank god my brother was back from Iraq and still in shape to run about a mile down stream.. Later we found out that I did shoot it about 6 times...

I think these two are related because we both harvested them within the same 3 square mile. And according to the stuff I read. That means they are in the same core area.

I have no idea why you are making such a big deal about the money he raised. So what? I'm sorry that he persuaded so many people to donate money to his cause, but why is this such a big deal? You can't tell me that McCain wasn't out trying to get money, so he couldn't win people over.
On another note, I can't wait for hunting season, although it sounds like it will be blizzard-type weather. Congrats to Decker because you still have to shoot that turty pointer but still, Im sure they have been nursing that buck for 8 years at least!!
1st Broken Promise for Obama was when he said he was going to stick with the Public Funded Presidential Campaign that McCain was going to use. Then he broke that promise and spent the current record by 5 times as much. When you elect Public like McCain and he did, you're capped at what you can spend, and that's why McCain only spent 200+ Million compared to Obama's Billions.
That's like all the teams in a League saying their should be a salary cap on how much they spend. Then 1 team decides ah heck with it, I'm getting plenty of money coming in I might as well outspend the next team by 25 times since I have the money! (In a sports terms is basically what he did.)
Not arguing just informing the misinformed who were sold on a word..
every sport has that bro.
Baseball- Yankees
Football- Cowboys
Hockey- Red Wings
Basketball- Knicks
So please don't bring this up, McCain wanted to elect public because he knew he couldn't raise the ching Urbama could. C'mon, why else would he have picked a public funded campaign?? Don't be so niave. He knew that he would be keep the playing field level and if it don't whine, it ain't mine.
See you tomorrow.
Red wings don't spend more than anyone, as there is a salary cap in hockey. And even before the cap they didn't spend the most.
Don't really have a dog in this political fight as I voted for neither candidate but it is kind of depressing that both candidates (especially Obama) gave all that money right back to the richest people in America. I would have been more inclined to vote for Obama if he had taken about 250 mill and given it to charity instead of blowing it all on TV time from the 4 major networks when he already had the election wrapped up.
PS I voted for Nader. Check out his Wikipedia page that guy is the cheese.
The weather is looking really bad. I am hoping I can get out but I am not holding out hope for this Friday.
I have a doe tag and i told my buddy I am going to try to shoot the smallest doe that I can find this Friday if I can get out.
I am looking for a big rack as well...
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