Obama has not authored a single bill or resolution as a senator. He is a socialist. He is anti-capitalism. He wants to eliminate secret ballots for unions which will force hundreds of businesses to close or move out of the country. He wants to promote welfare and free health care which has never once worked in any other nation. He has voted present or no vote as often as yes or no since becoming a senator. He has no credibility, respect or experience in politics around the world. He is against hand gun ownership.
Thats all off the top of my head and it is all fact and it is all things I have researched before making up my mind. Tell me one good thing about him or why he should lead this country that you found out for yourself, not from his commercials or the released talking parts. I left out the stuff that is subjective like his credibility, his associations with criminals and terrorists and his anti-america as we know it stance because they arent political policy issues but they are a factor in the man himself.
The only argument Obama fans make is that he isn't Bush. Bush has become the biggest liberal president since FDR over the last 3 years and everything has gone to #### since and you want more of the same only to the Nth degree.
In 2003 George Bush proposed that more over sight was needed on the Mortgage and Banking industry, specifically Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. He reasoned that there was too much leeway for too few people and the potential for exploitation and greed was too high. He was assured by Dodd and Frank that that was nonsense and his proposal was defeated by the Democrats. Had they been honest and allowed that extra over sight there would be far less of a crisis in the economy than there is now. What is the punishment that the fraud commiting Frank and Dodd were handed out? None, in fact they were rewarded and are high level Obama advisors and will have a high place in his adminiostration instead of being in jail where they belong.
My second point of distress is Obama publicly saying Health Care is a right. He does not grasp the concept that a right comes with responsibility and that rights are inarguable. This means that if someone claims the right someone else has to claim the responsibility. It also means that no person, under any circumstances can be denied that right.
So one of a million possible scenarios is this. Johnny Dogood pays his taxes and works hard and has a nice retirement account and great benefits. He works a long career but in his 60's he gets cancer and can no longer work. He files a claim for treatment but because there are only 10 available shares of cancer treatment in his block (blocks and shares are how socialized health care works but it too long to fully explain) and there are 12 cancer patients requesting help Johnny is delayed in getting his treatment because he is older and his cancer is terminal. After 40 years of paying in he gets nothing. He dies at 61 years old because the delay is more than his system can handle. Meanwhile Francois Foreigndude has been in this country for a year and never had a job but is only 21 years old. He also has cancer and his treatement is expedited because of his age and that fact that health care is a right meaning you can not discriminate. Francois has never paid a penny but gets the treatment, Johnny paid all his life and gets nothing.
Another scenario is this. Good old Brett works hard and pays his taxes and each week extra money is deducted for national health care. He doesn't care because for the first time in his life he has health care and it's "free". Meanwhile, Todd is out sharing needles. He contracts all kinds of illnesses and has no money. Thank goodness for the Messiah Obama and his free health care. Todd has coverage and runs up a couple $100 grand in hospital bills. Guess who has to pay for that, Brett and all the other hard working tax payers. Why? Because Todd has a right to health care and Brett has a responsibility to pay for it. Each month or so your check gets a little smaller as the debt for free healtch care gets higher.
Obviously these are simplified for lengths sake, but they are accurate portrayals of real scenarios that have happened in other countries with national health care.
That is but two of the myriad of reasons why I am so anti Obama.
Thanks for the calm and logical debate. It is appreciated.

Despite the fact that Obama's version of health care is very different from all the socialist country's health care, I think that your look at his record of not bringing a bill to Congress can be taken two ways. You could say that he doesn't have any ideas, as you have decided, or you could look at how he has helped out on several bills and voted on even more. This seems to me that he is more of a team player and willing to work with people. Despite your evidence, you can't say that he isn't a good team player and right now that is what we need since W. decided to use the veto like it is going out of style and made our country an outcast and villian.
Now back to his healthcare, if you have your own healthcare plan, you get a lower premium. If you are poor and lazy, then you get the public health care. Now, I advise you to get your own healthcare and not rely on Joe DoGooder to pay for your bills!
Oh yeah, with liberty and justice for all!
One of the most liberal senators in the US Senate, he is a partisan bare knuckles chicago style politician.
Anyone that associates with the people that Obama has wouldn't be able to get a security clearance if they were working for the US GOvernment.
Brent good article.
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