Having finally recouperated after my weekend, looking back this city can be fun if you know how it works.
I start out with Friday morning. I arrive to work, and start my day like I normally do.. Read a whole bunch of internet message boards about: Dirt Track racing in STL and back home, Blues and NHL, NASCAR, of course fellow bloggers, I enjoy reading different city's sports sections.. Well that takes up just about 3-4 hours of my day..
Moving on, I decide that I'm going to head out to the dirt track races with a co-worker, but later on I read that Blues Exhibition and Season tickets are so cheap you name your price you want to spend on said ticket, and they'll notify you if they'll accept.. So I decide to check up on the boards about this, and these guys are laughing about how they picked up front row tickets behind the goalie for $4!! And then another guy complains about how he paid $190/ticket for the whole season and got screwed because of this promotion! lol So I decide to purchase these $4 tickets, well low and behold they try charging me an extra $16 in fees to deliver it to will call, since I'm doing this at 6pm for the 7:30pm game. So I just print off the screen not having paid for anything yet, but it sure looks like I did!
I start out with Friday morning. I arrive to work, and start my day like I normally do.. Read a whole bunch of internet message boards about: Dirt Track racing in STL and back home, Blues and NHL, NASCAR, of course fellow bloggers, I enjoy reading different city's sports sections.. Well that takes up just about 3-4 hours of my day..
Moving on, I decide that I'm going to head out to the dirt track races with a co-worker, but later on I read that Blues Exhibition and Season tickets are so cheap you name your price you want to spend on said ticket, and they'll notify you if they'll accept.. So I decide to check up on the boards about this, and these guys are laughing about how they picked up front row tickets behind the goalie for $4!! And then another guy complains about how he paid $190/ticket for the whole season and got screwed because of this promotion! lol So I decide to purchase these $4 tickets, well low and behold they try charging me an extra $16 in fees to deliver it to will call, since I'm doing this at 6pm for the 7:30pm game. So I just print off the screen not having paid for anything yet, but it sure looks like I did!
After I get back from grabbing my printout off the work printer, a customer decides at 6:15pm that they would like to test drive a car!? I thought to myself go figure I actually want to do something fun tonight, and some deuche bag thinks he wants to buy a newer car then what he's driving... So 8pm rolls around (We close at 7:30pm and the game started at 7:30pm) and turns out the dude just bought his Mustang from another dealer and he's welded in his car so bad its going to take him half his life to pay it off.
So I make the mad dash to my truck, and downtown here I come! I drive up to the corner where I think I might be able to buy a scalpers ticket hopefully for pennies on the dollar, but to my dismay their are no Scalpers to be found! Granted the games half over, but I'm trudging through this because its Hockey Season, and I need to show some support! I then look and see that the premium $25 parking lot is half empty and nowhere to be found is anyone to collect my money so I just pull in and park it about 20 yards from the front door of the Scottrade Center!
I get to the will call lady and show her my printout of the $4 ticket and she is searching desperately trying to find my ticket somewhere... I then tell her to call her manager or someone to see if they might know? She decides to call her manager after a few minutes on the phone she comes back, and says she has no idea where it is... I then get desperate and pull out my UND Id, and my North Dakota drivers license, and start name dropping TJ Oshie, and Chris Porter, and told her I went to college with those guys, and that I just came here to watch these guys (For those who don't know Sports or Hockey these are 2 rookies this year for the Blues, and were great hockey players at UND).. She looks at me with even more despair, and I can see inside her eyes she feels really bad for me.. Then 2 drunk 30 year olds come in, and show off these free ticket passes they got at fan fest last week, and the belligerent one who is kinda decent for a 31 yr old (I found later how old she was read more) and she asks if I need a ticket and if I want to sit with them!? I laughed and said ya they can't seem to find my ticket.. The drunk lady then can't find her extra ticket, and wants to know if I can just go in with them?? The will call lady then in all the comotion decides to hand me a $169 ticket (thats what the value the ticket said) and so I walk in with the drunk ladies who let me know they clearly need another drink, and offer to buy me one! I laugh and say sure why not, lets just get wasted and try watching hockey tonight! They laugh and tell me they're good at it!
So after the brews they decide to tell me they are going up to their seats, and I tell them I'm in the lower level, and they said they'll see me at the end of the period right here for another beer! I agree and we part ways...
Here comes the shocker.... I'm watching the hockey game, and all of a sudden the 2 drunkens decide to stroll right past me, and park it right in the middle of a group about 4 rows in front of me.. I begin to laugh because I know its going to be a great night with these drunken ladies screaming all night! After the period they walk past me, and so I decide well I'm out of beer I might as well see if it was really truly meant to be...
I stroll up to our spot where we indulged in some of ABInbev's finest, and sure enough Cindy(when I was drunk she looked like an older Vanessa Marcil, petite 31 year old)
and Melissa (larger not anywhere near cute, but knows hockey so I give her props 30 year old) are there waiting for me, and do the whole arms way up in the air yelling my name as if I didn't see them. I laugh and walk over to them, and again they just hand me a 32 oz of Bud Select, and they tell me I have to meet their friends, and tell me I must come and sit with them. So I do, and many shenanigans later between the whole group, because the Blues dominated 9-4..
Cindy either drinking herself sober, or just playing like a champ, decides to tell everyone we must get on the metro-link and go to the casino! I'm thinking its like 10pm, and I have to work the next morning, but hey how many times can you party with older ladies and have fun doing it!?
So we decide to head there, and on our way our group turned from about 15 to 8 on the Metro-link.. As were on the Metro-link everyones exchanging stories, and I found out that Cindy's in real estate, and Melissa married into money.. So the casino was fun, and these girls love their alcohol, and fun.. I stopped drinking at the casino, even though it was free I just decided to have some Red Bulls, so I could stay awake.. After about 2 hours in the casino, I noticed our group was down to just me and the drunks.. I decide to do the old, well I better get going I have to work in the morning, and so awkwardly Melissa tells me good bye and nice meeting you, and the drops the line, "I'll let you and Cindy have a good rest of the night." and smiles and walks away...
My jaw drops as if I just got suckered into either:
A.) Taking care of her drunk friend for the night thats going to start puking any second
B.) The kind of good night that only 2 adults can have
C.) She is expecting me to give Cindy a ride home because she lives about 20 miles closer to me then Melissa?
So Cindy comes over to me with arms wide open, and if I would've been a lot drunker maybe, just maybe this story would've been better... But I wasn't drunk, as opposed to Cindy. So she gives me a hug, and as she whispers in my ear that she still knows how to party back at my place.. I then giggle, and tell her maybe I could get her number, or she can get mine, and maybe we can do this again sometime??
She then does the ol stand up grind on my body, and licks the side of my face! I quickly have flashbacks to Wedding Crashers, when Owen Wilson is up in his room, and Dr.Quinn medicine woman with her boob job wants him to touch her, and call her kitty cat.. I break out with a smile, and my face is pitch red.. (thinking in my mind wow is this really happening to me right now?)

I break ourselves apart give her my business card, and tell her to call me as I hop into my taxi cab!
On my taxi cab ride back to my truck all I could think about was weird movies, and the Desperate Housewives of Orange County, and how this would've made a great episode!
If only I would've went to the races... Will post later my 1st ever visit to an NFL Football game.
So I make the mad dash to my truck, and downtown here I come! I drive up to the corner where I think I might be able to buy a scalpers ticket hopefully for pennies on the dollar, but to my dismay their are no Scalpers to be found! Granted the games half over, but I'm trudging through this because its Hockey Season, and I need to show some support! I then look and see that the premium $25 parking lot is half empty and nowhere to be found is anyone to collect my money so I just pull in and park it about 20 yards from the front door of the Scottrade Center!
I get to the will call lady and show her my printout of the $4 ticket and she is searching desperately trying to find my ticket somewhere... I then tell her to call her manager or someone to see if they might know? She decides to call her manager after a few minutes on the phone she comes back, and says she has no idea where it is... I then get desperate and pull out my UND Id, and my North Dakota drivers license, and start name dropping TJ Oshie, and Chris Porter, and told her I went to college with those guys, and that I just came here to watch these guys (For those who don't know Sports or Hockey these are 2 rookies this year for the Blues, and were great hockey players at UND).. She looks at me with even more despair, and I can see inside her eyes she feels really bad for me.. Then 2 drunk 30 year olds come in, and show off these free ticket passes they got at fan fest last week, and the belligerent one who is kinda decent for a 31 yr old (I found later how old she was read more) and she asks if I need a ticket and if I want to sit with them!? I laughed and said ya they can't seem to find my ticket.. The drunk lady then can't find her extra ticket, and wants to know if I can just go in with them?? The will call lady then in all the comotion decides to hand me a $169 ticket (thats what the value the ticket said) and so I walk in with the drunk ladies who let me know they clearly need another drink, and offer to buy me one! I laugh and say sure why not, lets just get wasted and try watching hockey tonight! They laugh and tell me they're good at it!
So after the brews they decide to tell me they are going up to their seats, and I tell them I'm in the lower level, and they said they'll see me at the end of the period right here for another beer! I agree and we part ways...
Here comes the shocker.... I'm watching the hockey game, and all of a sudden the 2 drunkens decide to stroll right past me, and park it right in the middle of a group about 4 rows in front of me.. I begin to laugh because I know its going to be a great night with these drunken ladies screaming all night! After the period they walk past me, and so I decide well I'm out of beer I might as well see if it was really truly meant to be...
I stroll up to our spot where we indulged in some of ABInbev's finest, and sure enough Cindy(when I was drunk she looked like an older Vanessa Marcil, petite 31 year old)

Cindy either drinking herself sober, or just playing like a champ, decides to tell everyone we must get on the metro-link and go to the casino! I'm thinking its like 10pm, and I have to work the next morning, but hey how many times can you party with older ladies and have fun doing it!?
So we decide to head there, and on our way our group turned from about 15 to 8 on the Metro-link.. As were on the Metro-link everyones exchanging stories, and I found out that Cindy's in real estate, and Melissa married into money.. So the casino was fun, and these girls love their alcohol, and fun.. I stopped drinking at the casino, even though it was free I just decided to have some Red Bulls, so I could stay awake.. After about 2 hours in the casino, I noticed our group was down to just me and the drunks.. I decide to do the old, well I better get going I have to work in the morning, and so awkwardly Melissa tells me good bye and nice meeting you, and the drops the line, "I'll let you and Cindy have a good rest of the night." and smiles and walks away...
My jaw drops as if I just got suckered into either:
A.) Taking care of her drunk friend for the night thats going to start puking any second
B.) The kind of good night that only 2 adults can have
C.) She is expecting me to give Cindy a ride home because she lives about 20 miles closer to me then Melissa?
So Cindy comes over to me with arms wide open, and if I would've been a lot drunker maybe, just maybe this story would've been better... But I wasn't drunk, as opposed to Cindy. So she gives me a hug, and as she whispers in my ear that she still knows how to party back at my place.. I then giggle, and tell her maybe I could get her number, or she can get mine, and maybe we can do this again sometime??
She then does the ol stand up grind on my body, and licks the side of my face! I quickly have flashbacks to Wedding Crashers, when Owen Wilson is up in his room, and Dr.Quinn medicine woman with her boob job wants him to touch her, and call her kitty cat.. I break out with a smile, and my face is pitch red.. (thinking in my mind wow is this really happening to me right now?)

I break ourselves apart give her my business card, and tell her to call me as I hop into my taxi cab!
On my taxi cab ride back to my truck all I could think about was weird movies, and the Desperate Housewives of Orange County, and how this would've made a great episode!
If only I would've went to the races... Will post later my 1st ever visit to an NFL Football game.
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